When you are on chat here on the SlugTerra Wiki you are expected to follow a set of rules and if you break these rules they will result in to kicks or bans from the admins.
- No Spamming/Flooding the chat.
- Have Fun :D
- Be nice to other users.
- Don't reveal or ask any personal information from users.
- Refrain from constantly using Caps lock all the time.
- ABSOLUTLEY NO Fighting in chat.
- Listen and do not disrespect the admins or chat mods (if we have any).
- Do not be mean (bullying) - Do not tease other users, make fun of them, or speak of them in a way that would be offensive.
- Do not post links to inappropriate material- Adding inappropriate links is not allowed no matter what the reason is.
- Do NOT swear.
- Do NOT ask people for personal information.
- Be helpful.