Neurotox is the Ghouled version of the Neotox. If this slug gets into the wrong hands, much damage can be done shown in No Exit that it toxoid Lumino Cavern.
- Protoform Abilities - Wilts nearby plants.
- Toxiclysm - Slug emits a toxic poison cloud attack. Neurotox gas transforms people who breathe it into stone, but the effect fades as soon as the gas fades.
- Crustaloyd - Covers all metal gear in rust which grows over time-gear becomes impossible to use.
- Corroblast - Spews acid that can eat through most materials.
Neurotox Ghouls are mostly known for their toxiclysm: this attack can leave immobile an opponent if it connects, but neurotoxes ghouls' other moves have some perk as well: crustaloyd can be useful to destroy mechas and blasters, while corroblast is a purely destructive move that can be used inside and outside of battle to destroy walls and obstacles. Neurotoxes are weak against tormatoes, considering they can repel poisonous gas with their air-based moves and probably to bubbaleones too. also, they probably won't like you back if they get unghouled by healer slugs or other means.
The most dangerous thing about Neurotoxes though is that if is that too many of them get fired at the same time a Neurotox cloud will form: neurotox clouds could endanger whole city or caverns because they are clouds made of Neurotox gas and that keep growing and growing. Like a Neotox cloud, it can be countered by a Vinedrill using Vinevent. However, this will cause the vines to become corrupted.
- No Exit (First appearance)
- Slugterra: Return of the Elementals
- Slugterra: Eastern Caverns (Mentioned only)
- The only way to remove the gas is to use a Vinedrill that knows Vinevent, and then use a Boon Doc that knows Healswarm to heal the now-corrupted plants.
- Its name is derived from "neurotoxin" which is a highly toxic gas that interrupts the connection between the brain and the rest of the body, effectively causing paralysis, referencing to the paralyzing and powers of its normal counterpart.
- It is unknown if slugs are immune to their gas just like regular Neotox gas.