SlugTerra Wiki
SlugTerra Wiki
Non-Canon Alert!
This article may contain details about material that does not exist in the official SlugTerra canon.

The Midas slug is a "legendary" light slug that was first revealed in Slugterra: Slug It Out!.

They are golden colored slugs with a darker yellow colored face and body. There is a circular pattern between its eyes, and a wavy-like one around its head and on its torso.


  • Healing - They are capable of healing their slingers and other slugs.
  • Replenish - Recharges the energy of tired slugs while also giving them a boost in power.
  • Golden Trail - When shot, Midas slugs leave a trail of gold in their direct path and can change targeted objects into gold.


  • The Midas slug is a reference to the fictional character, King Midas, who gained the ability to turn everything he touched into gold.
  • In Slug It Out! The slug gives you coins as it flies towards the opponent, while in Slug It Out 2 it heals you and charges your slugs.
  • While it's labelled a "Light" element slug in SIO, like most Psychic/Light slugs, the element might be interchangeable. One reason being that Hexlet, who are 'Bad Luck slugs', are psychic.

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Opening Burpy Slugs Tormato ghoul

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Grimm Types of Slugs in SlugTerra
Common Slugs Flopper ยท Armashelt ยท Diggrix ยท Dirt Urchin ยท Fandango ยท Flaringo ยท Frostcrawler ยท Gazzer ยท Grenuke ยท Hop Rock ยท Jellyish ยท Lariat ยท Phosphoro ยท Polero ยท Rammstone ยท Sand Angler ยท Slicksilver ยท Slyren ยท Tazerling ยท Thresher ยท Tormato
Uncommon Slugs Arachnet ยท Aquabeek ยท Blastipede ยท Bubbaleone ยท Flatulorhinkus ยท Hoverbug ยท Lavalynx ยท Makobreaker ยท Negashade ยท Speedstinger ยท Thugglet ยท Vinedrill ยท Xmitter
Rare Slugs Frightgeist ยท Geoshard ยท Glowbyss ยท Hexlet ยท Neotox ยท Tenasher
Extremely Rare Slugs Boon Doc ยท White Boon Doc ยท Firenzar ยท Forgesmelter
Ultra Rare Slugs Crystalyd ยท Enigmo ยท Hypnogrif ยท Infurnus ยท Midas ยท Narwhaddle
Elemental Slugs Official: Air Elemental ยท Earth Elemental ยท Energy Elemental ยท Fire Elemental ยท Water Elemental
Unofficial: Electric Elemental ยท Ice Elemental ยท Plant Elemental ยท Psychic Elemental ยท Toxic Elemental
Ghoul Slugs Darkfurnus ยท Amperling ยท Goon Doc ยท Grimmstone ยท Harmashelt ยท Hop Jack ยท Thrasher ยท Frostfang ยท Attacknet ยท Flatulo Rex ยท Bubbalash ยท Nightgeist ยท Jollyfist ยท Briardrill ยท Aquafreak ยท Vamparo ยท Blastinger ยท Barreto ยท Photomo ยท Tempesto ยท Pyringo ยท Hoverblade ยท Dark Urchin ยท Cryscada ยท Greneater ยท Gorgemelter ยท Cryptogrif ยท Negablade ยท Terrarix ยท Megabreaker ยท Smugglet ยท Transplitter ยท Sand Mangler ยท Vexlet ยท Neurotox ยท Ghoul Geoshard ยท Disastipede
Other Dustpuff ยท Roboslug ยท Slugling ยท Toxis ยท The Universal Slug
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Opening Burpy Famous Named Slugs in SlugTerra
Major Normal Slugs Burpy ยท Joules ยท Doc ยท Yang ยท Ping ยท Rookie ยท Bluster ยท Bludgeon ยท Stinky ยท Mo ยท Dazer ยท Spooker ยท Dozer ยท Digger ยท Stunts ยท Bugsy ยท Banger ยท Chiller ยท Spinner ยท Tangles ยท Buzzsaw ยท Burner ยท Torch ยท Beeker ยท Glimmer ยท Suds ยท Mucky ยท Bolo ยท Goober ยท Larry ยท Rocky ยท Sparky ยท Noodle ยท Joo-Joo ยท Maggs ยท Rex ยท Joker ยท Yin ยท Beau ยท Pieper
Major Ghoul Slugs Loki ยท The Goon ยท Sparcx
Minor Slugs Butch ยท Ricochet ยท Flutter ยท Windsor ยท Old Timer ยท Dizzy ยท Wheezy