Hypnogrif are ultra rare psychic slugs. They are hypnotic slugs that make opponents feel angry, distracted, forgetful, affected by vertigo, or even too happy to care about dueling.
- A famous Hypnogrif is Dazer, who belongs to Eli Shane.
- When ghouled, these mind-reading slugs become mind-controlling Cryptogrif.
- Protoform Abilities - Can make you feel safe and happy.
- Vertigoad - Hits opponent, overwhelming them with vertigo and warped perspective - difficult to see or shoot.
- Psi-kick - Hits opponent, giving them short term memory loss - they forget why they're fighting.
- Hypnopotomous - Mind controls opponent - makes them feel happy, content and oblivious- even to harm.
- Berzerker - Produces uncontrollable anger/distraction in opponent - causing them to turn on their gang or slugs.
- Dawn of the Slug (First appearance)
- The Unbeatable Master
- Bandoleer of Brothers
- In Slug Wars, the Hypnogrif's velocimorph is light brown in colour rather than yellow.
- Hypnogrifs and Hexlets are the only slugs to have never been fired in the show, despite appearing in blasters a few times.
- However, its ghouled form, the Cryptogrif, has been fired once.