SlugTerra Wiki

Gazzers are common air slugs, similar in appearance to Armashelt and Crystalyd Slugs. The only members of the Shane Gang to own a Gazzer is Eli Shane and Kord Zane. In The Journey Home, it was first seen making Lode laugh so much that he fired one of his Ghouls at Locke by Kord Zane.


In Protoform, Gazzers are similar in shape to Armashelt and Crystalyd Slugs. Their skin and antennae are an ashy brown while their armor and eyes are primarily orange, though their armor has yellow outlines.

When transformed, they take on a shape that almost seems like a chestnut. While their colors stay the same, they form four large holes in their shell that emits different types of gasses (depending on the attack). The gasses tend to appear as different shades of brown and yellow (also depending on the attack). They have an underbite that shows uneven teeth.


  • Protoform Abilities - Produces a small amount of laughing gas.
  • Hilariteaser - Spits a cloud of laughing gas at opponent.
  • Stompchomp - Emits a cloud of gas that makes opponent dance uncontrollably.
  • Taggro - Covers foe with a cloud of gas that lights them up, making them easy to spot.


The Gazzer is a purely strategic slug. Hilariteaser can make the opponent laugh uncontrollably and therefore misfire, causing their slug to shoot at their ally or in the entirely wrong direction. Stompchomp "disables" an opponent by making them focus on dancing instead of slinging, then allowing an opponent a clear shot to finish them off or add injury to insult. Taggro is good when making distant and precise shots as well as ensuring the slug will not miss the target.



Opening Burpy Slugs Tormato ghoul

Grimm Types of Slugs in SlugTerra
Common Slugs Flopper · Armashelt · Diggrix · Dirt Urchin · Fandango · Flaringo · Frostcrawler · Gazzer · Grenuke · Hop Rock · Jellyish · Lariat · Phosphoro · Polero · Rammstone · Sand Angler · Slicksilver · Slyren · Tazerling · Thresher · Tormato
Uncommon Slugs Arachnet · Aquabeek · Blastipede · Bubbaleone · Flatulorhinkus · Hoverbug · Lavalynx · Makobreaker · Negashade · Speedstinger · Thugglet · Vinedrill · Xmitter
Rare Slugs Frightgeist · Geoshard · Glowbyss · Hexlet · Neotox · Tenasher
Extremely Rare Slugs Boon Doc · White Boon Doc · Firenzar · Forgesmelter
Ultra Rare Slugs Crystalyd · Enigmo · Hypnogrif · Infurnus · Midas · Narwhaddle
Elemental Slugs Official: Air Elemental · Earth Elemental · Energy Elemental · Fire Elemental · Water Elemental
Unofficial: Electric Elemental · Ice Elemental · Plant Elemental · Psychic Elemental · Toxic Elemental
Ghoul Slugs Darkfurnus · Amperling · Goon Doc · Grimmstone · Harmashelt · Hop Jack · Thrasher · Frostfang · Attacknet · Flatulo Rex · Bubbalash · Nightgeist · Jollyfist · Briardrill · Aquafreak · Vamparo · Blastinger · Barreto · Photomo · Tempesto · Pyringo · Hoverblade · Dark Urchin · Cryscada · Greneater · Gorgemelter · Cryptogrif · Negablade · Terrarix · Megabreaker · Smugglet · Transplitter · Sand Mangler · Vexlet · Neurotox · Ghoul Geoshard · Disastipede
Other Dustpuff · Roboslug · Slugling · Toxis · The Universal Slug
Opening Burpy Famous Named Slugs in SlugTerra
Major Normal Slugs Burpy · Joules · Doc · Yang · Ping · Rookie · Bluster · Bludgeon · Stinky · Mo · Dazer · Spooker · Dozer · Digger · Stunts · Bugsy · Banger · Chiller · Spinner · Tangles · Buzzsaw · Burner · Torch · Beeker · Glimmer · Suds · Mucky · Bolo · Goober · Larry · Rocky · Sparky · Noodle · Joo-Joo · Maggs · Rex · Joker · Yin · Beau · Pieper
Major Ghoul Slugs Loki · The Goon · Sparcx
Minor Slugs Butch · Ricochet · Flutter · Windsor · Old Timer · Dizzy · Wheezy