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Dark water

Dark Water

Dark Water, or Karum-Zanul as the Cave Trolls call it, is a malicious substance that has been utilized by various villains in the series.


Dark Water takes the form of an ominous looking, red, glowing liquid that can sometimes have bubbles. It can also take the form of a black and red mist.


Dark Water comes from the Deep Caverns beneath Slugterra, occasionally seeping up through cracks. The substance can be mined from within deep locations.

Dark Water has been shown to have many unnatural and dangerous effects on whatever is exposed to it. Most notably, Dark Water is what is primarily used to turn regular Slugs into Ghoul Slugs. The substance was experimented on by Dr. Blakk which allowed him to open a portal to the Deep Caverns and gave him his unusual appearance. Dark Water can also be used to corrupt and/or drain the energy out of caverns. This was done to Bullseye Cavern when Dr, Blakk placed some there, nearly resulting in the death of the entire cavern system.

Other beings can be effected by Dark Water. Mecha Beasts can be ghouled using dark water, though the process is more difficult since the substance needs to be injected into their core, rather than just immersing them the way Slugs are ghouled.

In humans, Dark Water can cause all sorts of horrific effects; miners who worked in Deadweed were exposed to a well of Dark Water which turned them into ghost-like creatures. Mining for the substance continued and was carried out by Dr. Blakk's forces, all of whom wore hazmat suits to protect themselves from the Dark Water. Fortunately, the effects of the miners was only temporary, as they quickly returned to normal as soon as the the well was sealed.

Dark Water can also cause other, more permanent effects on humans. In Slugterra: Return of the Elementals, Dr. Blakk, after being sent into The Deep Caverns in Light as Day, underwent drastic mutations due to exposure to Dark Water, which gave him larger muscles, dark claws, sharp teeth, tusks on the edges of his chin, horns on his forehead, dark red eyes, and the size bigger-if-not-equal-to that of a Cave Troll. Worse still, he could also turn slugs into ghouls with his bare hands.

In the Eastern Caverns, the Emperor sought immortality and gained it after he fell into a pool of Dark Water. However, this immorality was a corrupted kind that made him stronger than a man, but also inhuman. The Emperor also gained other powers such as the ability to create Stone Warriors, Ghoul Slugs, and his Sword Blaster.


  • Slugs are afraid of Dark Water.
  • The Cave Trolls know about Dark Water and named it Karum-Zanul.
  • Doc can neutralize dark water, turning it into regular water but in a large section of dark water, Fandangoes would be needed to boost his power.
  • Dark Water originates from the Deep Caverns.


Effects: The Miners of Deadweed Cavern[]

Effects: Dr. Blakk[]

Effects: The Emperor[]
